Friday, August 20, 2010
puasa hr ke-9
ms tngu tuh smpat la usha2 kdai asam pedas nie...set ramadan die ado best gak..1 set tu RM39.90 ado 5 lauk, 1 sayur n kuih die sadis ckt agar2 sajorr..hahaha...single set pon ado...RM12.50, lupa ler lauk die ado dh plus sx dgn nasi...kuih plak adelah tapai pulut..yg set RM39++ tu blm plux nasi n air tau.. pas2 side dishes ado tapai aiskrim n buah2 potong...menarik x?...setiap set die menu utama adalah asam pedas..blh pilih x satu...ikn pari, kembung, daging n tenggiri..
ms dok usha2 tu sempat plak staff die dtg promot..hahaha...dh kena bg alasan...sibaik kt tgn ado mst dbk 2 prasan kite kn slalu tnggu cIk myVian dpn kdai tuh...haksssssss...lantak lah...
mlm td adelah b'jaya g traweh..hiksssss.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
puasa hr ke-8
so, memandangkan BFF dok ngiyau2 nk mkn murtabak sgpore yg sodap ituwwwwwwww...soh kite carikn kt PARAM s/wngsa... so, bajet2 hrni kalo smpai ptg x ujan blh le ajak cIk myVian ms msk2 jer, bkn ms tu dh on day way lah...cIk myVian tny nk g PARAm x? beli murtabak sgpore tu?...wahhhhhhhhh ape lg nk lerrr...sngguh memahami lah cIk myVian tau2 jerrr...hakssssssss.
1 mission op cos le cr murtaka sgpore kn...dh jumpe trs boli..sbb ado 1/2 jam jer ms kt PARAM nih...(pssssssss, blm solat asar lg wehhhhhhh)..hrs jumpe trs 2 rmai gak org...murtabak plak xbyk...kena tnggu tgh msk atah dpur...beli le 2 bijik sbb cIk myVian pon nk nerai gak...mule2 nk beli dua2 daging tp daging ado 1, amik 1 daging 1 ayam...dh le ms tnggu tuh ms adik tuh dok balik murtabak tuh terpercik kena mata kite...adoiiiiiiiii la...kau sabotaj akak ea..pas2 berebut ngn customer end up amik campur lah...senang...
pah2 trs gerak cr ns beriani jln2 tuh la nmpk ade 2 3 gerai lg jual murtabak sgpore...aiseh byk upenyer...kalo tau ambe dtg kek kdai lain dr dok berebut kt gerai td tuh...harga 1 bji murtabak tu?...kalo yg single RM 4 jorr...yg dabel RM7...huhuhu mahal kn? berbaloi kot...sbb besarrrrrrrrrr punya..haha..ado 1 gerai tuh jual RM8 tau...isk isk...nape xsama yeop rege kamu?..kamu pnye lg sedap kah?..itu ambe xtau sbb ambe br nk try die? bg kite biase jer...kna tny BFF sbb die peminat murtabak...hahaha..tetiba kn...
k, smbung blk cite, tuh gak ujan dh stat cpt2 cr ns beriani...akn rembat kt gerai yg 1st nk xdop plus ujan jumpe le kt 1 gerai nih...die jual ns beriani,ns tomato n gulai kawah...kami dedia beli ns beriani...RM10 tok 2 lah...trs tuh ujan pon dh lebat...abis basah lah...(BFF,...kalo domam kamu tanggung)...haksssss...
k, nnti smbung cite mlmnye pulak ea...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Puasa hr ke-4
Menu kami hr ni…ns minyak…ajat sebenar nk wt ns tomato…tp lupe nk gugel resepi…muahaha…zmn teknologi sume benda d ujung jari jerrr…
Blk2 trs siang2 lauk dulu…pas 2 rest..aka nonton cite korea la…dis time cite "wich upon star"... best gile cite nih…tp sgt sedessssssssss…siyes sedessssssssss…
So, pas asar br start msk…kung kang kung kang kt dapur b’dua…siap lah menu kami hr ni…ns mnyak, kurma daging, n acar… kueh just roti bom jerrr…sbb ado org tu ngidam roti bom bln2 pose nih…so plan nk wt kueh kena postpone hr len…kami dua org jerrr mane blh msk byk2 nnti xbis menbazir jerrr…mklum perot kami nih kecik jorrrrrrrr…
N hrni gak pastime bukak pose minum ais…hehehe…ado org tu dahag ea sbb penat, pns memasak kn?...hahaha cian…ais bandung jerrr…kalo x selalunyer minum air the o panas k….kahkahkah…
1 biji nenas, potong kecil
3 cawan santan pekat dari 1 biji kelapa
4 sudu besar minyak
2 sudu besar gula merah/putih2 sudu besar kerisik
Garam secukup rasa
Bahan B – bahan tumbuk
1 inci halia
5 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
1 sudu besar udang kering
Bahan C
1 inci
kulit kayu manis
6 sudu besar rempah kari ikan, bancuh dengan air
Cara Menyediakannya
1. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk dan tumiskan bahan tumbuk, kulit kayu manis dan rempah kari yang digaul dengan air.
2. Masukkan kerisik dan nenas. Kacau supaya rempah tidak melekat pada periuk.
3. Masukkan santan dan garam serta gula merah/pasir. Masak hingga kuah pekat dan naik minyak.
Selain daripada nanas, terung panjang, terung peparu, mangga atau buah kedondong juga boleh digunakan untuk masakan pajeri.
p/s: bl la nk wt nih..nenas dh santan yilek pocik...huhu...makanye kena tngu ekend la boli santan...
1 tin susu cair / santan
1 cawan sagu mata ikan
2 cawan air
sedikit garam
1 ketul gula melaka
1 Helai daun pandai
1 cwan air
1. Cuci sagu mata ikan dan kemudian masukkan kedalam periuk bersama 2 cawan air. Diatas api yang kecil, kacau sagu mata ikan sehingga kembang. Sekiranya air tidak mencukupi. tambah sedikit lagi. Masukkan secubit garam untuk menjadikan nya berasa agak lemak.
2. Apabila sudah kembang, angkat dan masukkan kedalam beberapa bekas kecil.
3. Masakkan gula melaka/ gula kerek dalam periuk lain bersama dengan daun pandan.
4. Tuangkan 2 sdb air gula kedalam bekas sagu tadi bersama dengan susu..
note: sumber resepi dr Dapur Maklang (
p/s: igt nk buat kuih ni la...sagu pon dh beli...tggu wekend jerrr...sedap nih wt berbuka...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
ramadan dtg lg...wing wing ;)
so, selamat menyambut Rdaman n selamat berpuasa....
Monday, August 9, 2010
Pas2 BFF ajak g wangsa walk…nk jln2…x ni parking dlm plak…rupenye murah jer parking dia…RM2.00 per entry…haishhh igtkn mahal benor sbb rmai yg park luo…huhu…wif babyswiff always dpt parking baikkkkkkkkk punyerrr…shuke…
So, masuk2…jln2…BFF ajk g kat cinema…nk tgk cite jolie tuh…ayak…tetiba ajk tgk movie lak…g ler tgk tiket…org pon xramai…so bratur lah…n tgk tiket yg kol 2.40 tuh byk g kosong…so trs beli…hahaha…BFF lanje lg…
Pas2 g cr surau nk solat zohor…punye lah m’cr sampai tgk peta bagai…last2 BFF tny guard…muahaha…rupenyer kt grandfloor sebelah management,sblh kdai baiki jam…hahaa…kt c2 upenyerrr…ok…surau pon cntik…pasni dh tau ktne surau blh solat c2 tanpa kocoh2 blk umh…miahaha
Pas solat ms byk g…jln2 g…tgk baju, tgk hndpon, msk kdai computer, tgk slevebag,…latly g minum rootbear kt A&W…wuwuwu…lame dh xnum rootbear…+ anion ring lorrr…my feverettttttttttt….tp anion dia xsedap…dh sejukkk…spoilll plak…dis time turn me lak lanje.
N then dkat 2.30 trs g kt cinema…x ni hall 2…cantik gak cm hall ms tgk karate kids dulu (lupe sudah yg 2 hall plg best…leather seat lg) …seat pon lawa gak warna kelabu n seat tnggi..dlm hall nih siap ade couple seat lg…x sama ngn hall 8 yg xberbaloi byr RM13.00…
Review salt?...ok la…byk action name pon cite action kan…tp jolie dh x secantik dulu..dlm cite ni lah…sbb kurus sgt…nampak cengkong…n aksi jolie pon x secantik, x semantap dulu…HOHOHO…nampak mace menggah sudah…
Next g solat asar kt masjid kt area jusco w.maju…pah2 g round kt klcc,..intai parking kalo2 nk g pikom fair…n mlm dinner satey sajo…sambung solat magrib n isyak kt masjid setiawangsa…
D next n last,…ms nk blk nih…blh BFF ajak g danau kota plak…saje jln2 cuci mate katenye…blh cayo ke kalo ferempuan bjln…mesti lah ado gok yg d beli nnti…BFF smbg pcarian slevebag…tp nan hado…last2 dia beli tali pnggang…see see…kn dh ckp ferempuan bejalan msti beli lah…hakshakshaks… me? X soping…sbb mlm sblm 2 kn dh soping ngn cik MyVian…. Kasssssss…habis pusing 1 round trs blk…penat wehhhhhhh…seharian dh jalan…
Monday, July 26, 2010
sekinchan ikn bakar, jusco...
…kn lps mndi n rest jap kiteotg kuo blk…g mkn…lapo weihhhhhhh…hrni g mkn ikn bakar kt sekincha ikan bakar…muahmuahmuah…sodap ahhhhhhh…tp kt cni mahal ckt dr …..amik 2 ikn pari (RM16 - ikut kg eh) , kerang bakar (RM18), ulam, 2 air apple asam boi…total sume RM 40++…ha mahal kn???...hayoiii botak pale cIk myVian bayar (dia lanje marrrrrr…tq lanje kite eh)…kt cni mknan fresh sbb kite dtg n pilih lauk then br diorg bakarkn…tp lamo ckit le kena tnggu…kedai ni alal2 kite mkn ikn baker kt tepi2 laut sana tuhhh…sekinchan nih kt area setiawangsa…ala, kt area maybank n giant setiawangsa tuh..kedai pon cantik…kalo mlm2 siap ado lifeband show lg…
Pas kenyang g jusco lak…cIk myVian nk cr sumting + nk mlarikan diri dr rumah ler nih (ado kisah) muahaha…so dlm penat2 gile tuh, dlm ngatok2 tuh dok ler merayap kt jusco dedua org nih…sadissssss tol…patot leh tdo sedap2 jer kt umh…cisssssssss apo dayo…tp cIk myVian smpt la rempat baju selai…me?...not…smbil tnggu cIk myVian settle me g lepak2 kt kusi…dlm kol 3 kot br blk umh…pe lg zassssssssss tdo lerr…no namonye xde pyakit cr pyakit….
jacob walk for life 2010
cr parking...almost, parking jer tempat2 elegal asl blh park...hahaha... trs g bratur amik 2 org xramai g...n better then last year sbb thn ni xken bratur panjg2 dh..just ado 1 2 kt dpn baris...cun mula2 x tempat g bratur...rupanye dia bahagi ikut no ms daftar online (tp cengini lg baguih..)pas2 akak yg jg kaunter 1st 2 kerek la ckit...siap mintak no IC tiap2 org...cer mintak 1 jer dh le sbg bukti kn...sbb daftar 2 utk 1 group...nih x nk sume IC dlm group tuh....hayoh...dh ler ms tu sumei n hb lom smpai...kite kn x kaunter dia soh g khemah lg 1...sibaik abg n adk kaunter tuh xpoyo...very easy...just kite n cik myVian jer bg IC trs depa bg 4 lai baju...hahaha...trima kasih nooo..abg 2 siap ckp kalo xnk lari pon xpe blh bratur trs amik gift...hahaha siot tol...adekah muke kite tertera pemalas lari eh???
trs g tukar baju sesiap...xtngu pon sumei sume...haha...pas2 me g mncari cik toilet...cik myVian tnggu sumei...
ms walk lg klakow..igt blh dok depan so, g tngu siap2 kt pin2 gerbang start tu kn..alih2 ms walk 2 ramaiiiiiiiiiiii dh yg nunggu kt depan2 lg nun...kiranyer bila walk beberapa minit tiba2 barisan kt depan dh jd panjanggggg...siot ahhhhh...
tp best arr sbb jln die teduh jerr...redup...sejok jerr...siap ms walk leh nmpk view bandar...cantik yg nih kite xnmpk lak jln shortcut...ahaha...ado hati nk shortcut sgt...fadan muko kono jln jauh gak..ado mak pak walk sambil dokong anak...cino la mostly...rajin depe bwk anak kekecik eh..budak2 tu nampak sgt cam br bgn tdo...mamai lg uol...yg tolak dlm stroler pon ado...very d rajin makpak diorg nih...hahaha...
pas walk tu trs brator amik gift..(biskut,air,kiwi)..pas2 bratur lak kt bhgian check2 kesihatan..pas2 bratur g amik buah kiwi...yg nih lawak...masing2 bratur 3 4 x sbb kelaparan sgttttttttt..ok pe sbb sx baratur amik 1 jer..pas2 g bratur lg...hahaha..
pas2 blah blk...penat n pns blk nih lah jemmmmmmmm nk kuo dr frim tuh...adoi ...msk cik myVian drive...
blk2 mandi n rest jap...pastuh kuor blk...muahaha
Sunday, July 25, 2010
movie ; twilight eclipse
kami dpt tiket yg kol 1 lebey kot (lupa sudah).. pas beli tiket g care4 dulu cr kain lapik tok my baju rayo..n intai2 tudung beli 1 color biru n cik myVian beli color (lupe sudah...muahaha) beli inner itam 1...bekenan yg color grey tp xdop saiz...sobsobsob...ade ke wt saiz s/m...l/ dh xkeno ngn saiz bdbn ku...cissssss...
dkat kol 1 trs zasssss ke wangsa walk...pon park kt luar je...mula2 terjah ke bookshop dulu...cik myVian mau intai2 buku cito...lalala...pas2 mnunggu hanichan smbil melilau2 tnpa tujuan...
dpt le tgk hanichan versi pregnant...hahaha...hall x ni xbest...kck jerrr...kusi pon xsehebat ms kite tgk karate kid dulu...haiyooo...rugi lak byr RM13 tuh...dulu rs berbaloi sbb kusi canggih wooo...blh wt tido...krohkrohhhhhhh...
eclipse ni best ckt ah dr new moon dulu...byk moon dulu slow jerrr...kena tggu sambungan die plak..breaking down eh?...lalala...
bis movie trs pecut blk umah...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
movie ; day & knight
cite nih pon bestttttt bangat...cite die mmg byk action..c Tom so hencemmmm...but me dont like cameron diaz...haha...tgk kt tenet pon ramai yg puji lakonan tom mkin maju but cameron msh di tahap yg samo...
dis time BFF lanje ....thnks ye my, nxt target is kena tgk kt mvaley coz me plak nk merembat termos toy story tuh..(but sy jugak bknlah peminat jolie) huhuhu...n 1 lg adelah twilight( yg ni kena tgk ngn cik myVian)...can't wait arrrrrrrr...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
karate kid
BFF amik kt umh n then trs ke Wangsa walk...park keta kt luor jer...seriusly xtau bpe rate parking kt c2 since tgk ramai park luor so sama2 lah park luor...g beli tiket pas2 kuor blk cr kedai bekpes @ lunch trs...yelah dh kol ii kot ms tuh...
1st igt nk mkn ikan bakar kdai br kt setiawangsa tuh...sekinchan ikan bakar tp kdai xbukak patah blk ke wangsa walk n end up mkn kt area blkg wangsa walk...pas mkn trs jln kaki ke wangsa walk yg sekangkang kera jer tuh...
best lah movie nih...worth n full of action...ado moral la jugok psl family,friendship n so..cite die langsung xboring...tau2 dh abis...1 jelah yg BFF cm xpuas ati heroin die...aka d little girl not suite wif hero dak kecik tuh...
br tau uponye Jarden SMith tu ank will smith ek...teror gak ank dia acting...yolah mane nk tumpah kuah kalo x ke nasi kn???...lalala...nxt hunting movie (wahh hunting tuhhhhhhhh poyo jerrr) day & knight n salt...wachaaaaaaaa..
Monday, June 14, 2010
d curve...
so, akhirnye sampai lah kaki kt cni...sampai2 trs cr kedai order ayam penyek n soda gembira n cik myVian order ayam penyek wif ice lemon tea...muahaha...gmbar gmbr mkn yg ado kt web kedai nih...blh???...xkiro lah janji hado...huhu
total to paid is RM 26.++...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
taksub gula???
pengarang artikel : YEO LI SHIAN
terbitan : 12/05/10
ANDA suka makanan manis? Jadi, jangan terkejut jika ada yang mengatakan bahawa anda kelihatan lebih tua daripada usia sebenar! Ini bukan kritikan tidak berasas.
Pakar dermatologi terkemuka dunia, Dr. Nicholas Perricone telah berkali-kali menekankan bahawa gula adalah perosak keremajaan kulit.
Lebih tepat, gula mampu memecutkan kadar penuaan manusia tanpa disedari. Dalam satu temu ramah bersama ensiklopedia dalam talian Discovery Health, beliau menjelaskan bahawa pengambilan gula atau makanan tinggi gula boleh membinasakan tahap keanjalan dan fleksibiliti kulit.
Sewaktu proses pertukaran karbohidrat kompleks kepada gula berlaku di dalam tubuh, paras gula dalam darah meningkat. Pada ketika ini, proses glycation bermula. Dalam proses tersebut, molekul-molekul gula akan melekat pada kolagen dan menyebabkan kulit menjadi kurang fleksibel dan liat.
Selain kolagen, molekul gula juga melekat pada tulang, arteri, ligamen dan urat-urat termasuk otak, sekali gus menyumbang kepada kemerosotan sistem organ yang lain. Jadi, semakin banyak gula yang diambil, semakin kerap proses glycation berlaku di dalam tubuh. Keadaan itu akhirnya mengakibatkan kulit sukar kembali ke keadaan asal selepas diregang.
"Hasilnya, kulit menjadi kurang anjal, tidak bermaya dan kedutan mula muncul. Sebab itulah anda nampak lebih tua," terangnya yang juga penulis buku terlaris berjudul The Wrinkle Cure.
Fakta itu turut disokong oleh seorang penyelidik, Dr. Joseph Mercola menerusi satu kajian Universiti Buffalo bahawa gula turut meningkatkan elemen-elemen pengoksidaan yang mempercepatkan proses penuaan.
Bagi kedua-dua Perricone dan Mercola, satu-satunya cara terbaik untuk melawan kesemua kesan penyeksaan gula ke atas kulit adalah dengan menghentikan pengambilan sebarang bentuk gula.
Jelas sekali, saranan itu suatu niat yang baik. Malangnya, setelah sekian lama manusia menganggap gula sebagai antara keperluan asas hidup, mampukah saranan itu kita laksanakan?
Tidak sedar

Lihat sahaja penggunaan gula di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Sejak menjadi topik penyelidikan berterusan oleh Persatuan Penggunaan Pulau Pinang (CAP) empat dekad lalu, masyarakat kita nampaknya semakin tidak peduli terhadap kesihatan diri mereka!
Jika sekitar tahun 1970-an, rakyat Malaysia dilaporkan mengambil 17 sudu teh gula sehari, sukatan itu terus meningkat. Daripada 21 sudu teh sehari sedekad kemudian, penggunaan gula di kalangan rakyat di negara ini mencapai paras 24 sudu teh sehari. Hari ini, angka tersebut sudah mencecah sejumlah 26 sudu teh sehari! --- mak aiii, byknyerrr. korang nih mkn gula cm mkn nasi kerrr???
Malah, Kajian Pengambilan Makanan di Kalangan Orang Dewasa Malaysia 2002/2003 yang dijalankan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) turut mendedahkan data yang membimbangkan.
Rata-rata orang dewasa di Malaysia telah menambahkan tujuh sudu teh gula (51 gm) iaitu 21 gm gula pasir dan 30 gm susu pekat manis ke dalam minuman mereka.
Ini nyata bukan satu peningkatan yang membanggakan. Sebabnya, saranan penggunaan gula maksimum harian oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) selama ini hanyalah 50 gram (gm).
Sedangkan penggunaan gula secara individu di Malaysia sejak empat dekad lalu telah menjangkaui saranan WHO. Itu satu perkembangan yang melayakkan Malaysia menjadi pengguna gula kelapan tertinggi di dunia!
Menurut Pakar Kesihatan Umum, Unit Diabetes dan Penyakit Kardiovaskular, Jabatan Kawalan Penyakit, KKM, Dr. Feisul Idzwan Mustapha, tabiat pengambilan gula secara berlebihan di kalangan rakyat Malaysia berlaku atas dua sebab jelas.
"Pertama, ia berhubung kait dengan masakan dan minuman orang Malaysia sedia ada. Kedua, kebanyakan orang didedahkan kepada gula yang berlebihan sejak kecil," katanya ketika dihubungi Kosmo! baru-baru ini. --- ya, betul betul betulll...pasan upin ipin jap...muahaha
Namun, tabiat pengambilan gula yang terbentuk sejak kecil itu sememangnya sukar untuk diubah dalam sekelip mata melainkan pengguna memahami selok-belok tentang gula terlebih dahulu.
Di Malaysia, gula yang menjadi bahan asas pemanis makanan biasanya dihasilkan daripada sumber tanaman seperti tebu dan bit.
Seperti nasi putih dan roti biasa yang dimakan setiap hari, gula juga dikategorikan sebagai karbohidrat ringkas. Ini bermakna gula membekalkan sumber tenaga segera yang mudah diserap oleh tubuh.
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KOPI dan teh tarik adalah dua jenis minuman kegemaran rakyat negara ini yang sering dihidang manis. - Gambar hiasan |
Walaupun begitu, gula sebenarnya bukan satu keperluan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Lebih-lebih lagi jika amalan pemakanan harian kita adalah seimbang.
"Secara amnya, makanan yang kita ambil setiap hari sudah mengandungi gula. Misalnya yang terkandung dalam mi, roti canai, nasi, ubi, pasta, buah-buahan dan juga susu. Jadi, gula tambahan memang bukan lagi satu keperluan," jelas pakar diet dari Hospital Pantai Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Nor Lizawati Che 'Lah.
Lagipun, sukatan pengambilan gula dan amaun gula tersorok yang diperlukan oleh setiap individu adalah berbeza mengikut faktor usia. Kanak-kanak yang berusia dari satu tahun hingga sembilan tahun biasanya hanya memerlukan enam hingga lapan sudu teh gula sehari.
Gula dan kalori
Keperluan gula harian oleh golongan remaja dan orang dewasa adalah sembilan hingga 10 sudu teh sahaja manakala warga emas pula tidak dibenarkan mengambil lebih daripada lapan sudu teh gula sehari. Itu juga bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan masing-masing.
"Setiap sudu teh gula mengandungi 20 kalori. Ini bererti jika anda mengambil tujuh sudu teh sehari, maka, jumlah kalori yang diambil ialah 140 kalori. Untuk membakar 140 kalori ini, anda perlu berjoging selama 20 minit atau berbasikal selama 20 minit," terangnya.---mak datuk nih br kalori utk gula lom + kalori utk bnda lain...mau sehari gak kena jogingg jer kang...
Tambahnya, gula boleh terbahagi kepada beberapa jenis iaitu gula halus, glukosa, fruktosa, laktosa dan maltosa. Gula halus atau gula putih biasanya telah melalui proses penapisan yang melibatkan sehingga lapan peringkat agar sesuai dan mudah dimakan mahupun digunakan dalam industri makanan.

Hakikatnya, umum perlu tahu bahawa selain menjadi sumber tenaga, gula hanyalah pembekal kalori-kalori kosong. Malah, lebih lima dekad lalu, seorang penyelidik, Dr. William Coda Martin dengan lantangnya melabelkan gula halus sebagai racun. Definisi racun itu disifatkan berpatutan kerana penggunaan gula setiap hari hanya akan membinasakan tubuh dalam jangka masa panjang.
"Misalnya, keadaan pH tubuh akan menjadi terlalu berasid secara berterusan. Maka, tubuh terpaksa bekerja lebih keras sebab lebihan mineral diperlukan untuk memperbetulkan ketidakseimbangan itu," demikian penjelasan pengarang buku Sugar Blues itu.
Jika tidak dikawal, pengambilan gula secara berlebihan di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dikhuatiri akan mengundang kira-kira 60 jenis penyakit berbahaya dan antaranya termasuk obesiti, komplikasi buah pinggang, tekanan darah tinggi, sakit jantung dan diabetes.
Lebih membimbangkan, kajian KKM tidak berapa lama lalu menganggarkan bilangan penghidap diabetes di negara ini bakal mencecah 2.5 juta orang menjelang tahun 2030 nanti.
Gula juga dipersalahkan sebagai dalang pembentukan karies gigi di kalangan kanak-kanak di negara ini. Data KKM pada tahun 2005 menunjukkan kadar karies gigi di kalangan kanak-kanak berusia lima tahun adalah 76.5 peratus manakala kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun pula mencatatkan 80.9 peratus karies gigi (1997).
"Peningkatan kadar kelaziman obesiti di negara ini sahaja telah melebihi tiga kali ganda dalam tempoh 10 tahun sahaja!
Bayangkan, Tinjauan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi Kebangsaan Ketiga (NHMS 2006) mendapati 29.1 peratus orang dewasa di Malaysia memiliki lebihan berat badan manakala 14 peratus pula obes.
"Sedangkan NHMS kedua pada tahun 1996 hanya menunjukkan peratusan 16 peratus untuk lebihan berat badan dan 4 peratus bagi masalah obes," kata Feisul.
Kempen sihat
Bimbang tentang keadaan kesihatan dan tabiat pengambilan gula yang tidak sihat di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, kerajaan dan KKM terus berusaha mendidik masyarakat agar tidak terlalu bergantung kepada gula. Inisiatif seperti Kempen Cara Hidup Sihat yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1991 terus diperkukuhkan sehingga kini menerusi Promosi Makan Secara Sihat.
![]() |
MANIS yang dinikmati pada hari ini mungkin membawa kesengsaraan buat seseorang yang tidak berwaspada. |
Kempen Kurangkan Gula yang dijalankan sejak tahun 1998 pula antaranya memperkenalkan pelabelan makanan rendah gula dan bebas gula di bawah Peraturan-peraturan Makanan 1985.
"Label rendah gula sebenarnya bermaksud masih ada tambahan gula iaitu tidak melebihi 5 gram per 100 gram atau 2.5 gram per 100 ml sesuatu produk. Label no added sugar yang biasa kita lihat pada jus-jus kotak pula bermakna gula yang ada berasal daripada buah-buahan. Jangan terkejut kerana kandungan gula ini juga tinggi," jelas Nor Lizawati.
Produk makanan yang dilabelkan bebas gula pula merujuk kepada kandungan gula yang tidak melebihi 0.5 gram per 100 gram atau 100 ml.
Kesemua usaha kerajaan dan KKM walau bagaimanapun tidak akan berhasil sekiranya seseorang individu tidak mengambil inisiatif untuk mencegah ketagihan terhadap gula. Ibu bapa misalnya harus memainkan peranan dengan tidak memberi gula sebagai ganjaran kepada anak.
Malah, dengan mengambil air kosong dan bukannya teh tarik ketika makan, anda sebenarnya telah membantu pankreas agar tidak bekerja terlalu keras.
"Jadi, jangan salahkan kerajaan kerana menaikkan harga gula. Sebenarnya dalam jangka masa pendek, anda perlu membelanjakan wang yang banyak tapi untuk jangka masa panjang, anda telah menjimatkan perbelanjaan kos perubatan yang tinggi," tambah Nor Lizawati.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Five Must-Ask Interview Questions
As the economy picks up, companies are starting to hire more. But managers often only get funds for a few key hires, so they have to select new employees wisely. That makes conducting a smart interview critical.
Reporter Willa Plank checked in with Ben Dattner, founding principal of organizational consulting and research firm Dattner Consulting, to get his interview advice.
Here are his five must-ask interview questions:
1. In what ways will this role help you stretch your professional capabilities?
This is a reversal of the common question, "What are some of your greatest weaknesses?" Normally candidates dress up their weaknesses, or talk about "positive weaknesses" such as a tendency to work too hard.
Phrased Dr. Dattner's way, this question may better prompt the candidate to describe skills she wants to improve and goals she'd like to achieve. Watch out for candidates who say the prospective job would simply incrementally add to what they already know.
2. What have been your greatest areas of improvement in your career?
This is another question that gets at weaknesses, but in a new way. It also allows interviewees to tell their career histories and ambitions. A red flag answer: "I've always been a natural. I don't need to make any improvements."
3. What's the toughest feedback you've ever received and how did you learn from it?
This shows a candidate's ability to learn from mistakes. A good answer would involve the candidate recalling specific feedback and detailing how she learned from it and changed. Sometimes candidates say they can't remember tough feedback. That can be a red flag. It may indicate the interviewee hasn't worked in a high-risk or creative environment, that she has never solicited advice, or that her co-workers viewed her as too fragile for feedback.
4. What are people likely to misunderstand about you?
This question reveals social intelligence, or the ability to understand others. A candidate might say he asks a lot of questions, and that some people have misinterpreted this inquisitiveness as aggression or criticism. If the candidate says he once found himself in this situation and changed his managerial style, that would indicate he can sense other people's perceptions and adapt.
5. If you were giving your new staff a "user's manual" to you, to accelerate their "getting to know you" process, what would you include in it?
This lets the candidate reveal her work style. A straight answer should indicate the interviewee is self-aware. For example, a candidate might reveal that she prefers to hold conversations in person rather than over the phone, that she likes to be kept in the loop or that she dislikes surprises. Those answers can help a hiring manager determine whether the candidate's style fits with the office culture. A bad answer, Dr. Dattner says, would be: "Just do your job and there won't be any problem," or " They'll figure it out soon enough."
credit to
Monday, May 3, 2010
heaven sword and dragon sabre...
akhirnya zhi rou has shown her evil face...sbb zhao min kaco majlis kawin dorang n revial syarat ke-2 pd wuji iaitu wuji xblh kawin ngn zhi rou...hahaha...wuji lak sbenarnyer nk tangguh kawin ngn zhi rou sbb zhao min tunjuk rambut ayah angkat dia n setuju ikut zhao lepas tu wuji ngaku kt zhao min yg dia sedih ms nk kawin ngn zhi ruo ...siap ngaku sedih gak ms lamar zhi rou dulu sbb asiak igt kt zhao min jerr... ---muaha i like
best n sweet sgt ms nih...diaorg sembang2 n ms nilah wuji luahkn ati pd zhao min...auwwwww
Lirik Lagu Kantoi - Zee Avi (Kokokaina)
me n BFF
so on saturday mISs myVian ajk g umh kwn kt, lepak cna kejap...pas2 trg g care4 beli brg2...blk umh dlm kol 3...pas2 br msg BFF....xreply...pastu send lg psl salman khan kt xreplay so, oklah...pas2 tgk tv jelah...biaselah layan 'no limit' n 'down with love'
dlm kol 8 lbh br BFF sejam pas2 bjumpa la kami....kite dgn skt perot tetiba plak...adoiiiiiiiiii...tgu BFF kt bwh n selamda kodok je msk dlm keta die...hahaha...tegur sapa jap pas2 ajk BFF g kdai nih mmg lawaksss ok...mula2 kite ajak g kdai biase kt roundboard tu jerrr...pas2 BFF ajak g malinja...n kite on jer...nsb perot memahami n xmeragam kite mkn ns lemak xabis pon ohhhhhhh kusian kt ns ituewwwww...dh la sedap n lameeeeeeeeeeee dh xmkn....pas2 pot pet pot pet bercerita...oh BFF lah byk bckp...thanks to GOD ...keadaan kmbali normal jugak nk jumpa nih kite dh gelabah sbb xtau reaksi BFF camne...n syukur sgt3 psahabatan kami msh blh diselamatkn....
sblm blk BFF ajk g downtown tp kite xlarat ...takot jena cr BFF ckp g nxtweek jer....oh suke sbb tandanye kami akn still bjumpa lg....n blk 2 BFF ajk tido umh die....
pg ahadnye pas bfast kt gulai kawah (finally kite bjaya beli kuih apam blk...dap dap)...teman BFF g care4 kt bangsar south beli brg2 jap...pas2 BFF anta kite blk...
alhamdullillah persahabtan kami msh berpanjangan lg.....kite btekad akn usaha, jaga n pastikan hub nih berkekalan ke akhir hayat kami...amin...
lagi pasal 'heaven sword dragon sabre
from my riview :
i like this story more than LOCH n ROCH coz...cite nih laju (mean xbyk conflict yg complicated berbanding LOCH n ROCH) dlm kedua2 prequel sblm nih hero byk conflict samada ngn tok guru,kwn2 seguru n dlm kumpulan, bl cite nih wuji xbyk conflict ngn org @ sedara @ family dia...even t'pisah n xpnh jupa sblm nih tp wuji diterima baik oleh kaum family belah ayah n belah mak dia...kira wuji cepat disayangi oleh org keliling banding hero2 dua cite td tuh...conflict dia hny dgn kumpulan2 kungfu saja...n conflict cinta xyah ckp pd kite cite ni lbh happy...n ceria...
conflict chenta WuJi....adoi...sgt fail ok....wuji sgt mudah jatuh chenta...kt empat2 pompuan nih dia nk...blh, siapakah sebenar-benarnye pilihan ati wuji...tungguuuuuu...(tp kn kite dh search awal2 so, kite dh tau lama dh sape pilihan wuji so, kite trs suke heroin 2 jer...n ofcos xiao zhao sx...
ni d awl2 wuji jumpe ngn pureti zhao min yh ms tuh myamar jd lelaki....muahaha...
ni lak ms zhao min dh transform jd pompuan dh...adegan fight2...
nilah pilihan ati wuji yo....kalo pandai tekalah......hahaha....
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
America Idol : Shania Night
Simon, however, just griped about Lee "pulling faces," and I must say muggy Lee did look a Taylor Hicksian at times. But hey, at least Lee was trying, for once. As for the vocals, though, Lee usually excels in that regard, but at the beginning of the song in the difficult lower register, he sounded terrible--or "hesitant," as the kid-gloved Simon nicely put it, out of fear for being too harsh on his chosen pet. (Kara and Simon both went way too easy on Lee, in fact.) Lee did find what Randy Jackson called his "sweet spot" once the chorus kicked in, but it was too little, too late. But hey, he "never looked cuter," according to Ellen, so maybe he'll pick up some of fallen heartthrob Tim Urban's votes this week.
Michael Lynche - Michael was back in Ruben Studdard "balladeer" mode for "It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing," which made his performance sound a little dated. But his vocals were impeccable as usual--the falsetto at the end was a nice touch--and Shania said she was moved by his emotional performance.
Randy told him he was "in the zone" (gee, I've never heard Randy say that before);
Ellen actually compared him to the almighty Luther Vandross; and
Kara praised his heartfelt connection to the song.
But Simon found the dramatic performance "wet" and "a little bit girly." Hmm. I bet that was the first time anyone had ever called Big Mike "girly."
Casey James - Casey has always been a favorite with the ladies, ever since he shed his shirt at his first audition or practically inspired Kara to throw her undergarments and hotel room key onstage during his bedroom-eyed performance of Bryan Adams's "Heaven." I'd always assumed the female vote alone would be enough to advance him to the top five, but last week he was in the bottom three for the first time, only two weeks after his tender, raw, lump-throated acoustic version of "Jealous Guy" on Lennon & McCartney Night. After two weeks of Casey cranking out generic bar-band jams, "Jealous Guy" started to seem like a fluke. "Jealous Guy" became to Casey James what "Straight Up" was to Andrew Garcia: an amazing performance he was unable to replicate, a bar he set too high for himself. Luckily, this week he realized that he's at his best--and is best received--when doing poignant acoustic ballads, not good-time Huey Lewis covers, and his stripped-down performance of "Don't" was a fine return to form.
Randy, Ellen, and Simon all declared it his best performance to date (I still prefer "Jealous Guy," but this was a close second for me),
Kara told him, "Keep it up and you'll be at the front of this competition." I hope Casey listens to her.
Crystal Bowersox - Shania gave Crystal some sound advice when she told her to be "more cheerful"; I've always said the one thing that might keep Crystal from winning this whole thing is her mellow personality, which could be perceived by viewers as aloofness or even iciness. But you know what? I didn't really dig Happy Crystal. I think I prefer Moody Crystal. Her bluegrassy, Nickel Creekish cover of "No One Needs to Know" was just a little ho-hum, a little underwhelming--not bad or anything, but certainly not up to par with last week's stellar "People Get Ready." All of the judges were unusually unimpressed:
Simon, normally Crystal's biggest fan, actually called her performance "limp," said it had no conviction, and likened it to an intrusive coffeeshop band customers really don't want to hear while sipping their lattes.
But Ellen and Kara went out of their way to defend Crystal, with Ellen arguing, "Saying it's not my favorite Crystal performance is like saying, 'What's your least favorite color of the rainbow?'" and
Kara claiming, "It's impossible for you not to be good." This all seemed a little defensive, as if the judges were worried that Crystal might be in trouble this week. But I am pretty sure she'll be safe.
Aaron Kelly - Aaron has floundered in past weeks, has been in the bottom three several times, and has never been my favorite on this show. But I suspected he would do well this week because he's the most countryish contestant in the competition. Shania urged him to be more secure and relaxed as he belted out "You Got a Way," and he certainly seemed, as Randy might put it, in his zone. It was Aaron's best performance to date, by far--even if it was a little creepy/awkward when the 17-year-old revealed that he'd changed the song's original "when we make love" line because he was singing the tune for his mom.
"This is definitely your wheelhouse!" howled Randy.
"Tonight you were like a different artist," raved Simon. Aaron ought to have hugged Shania, too, just like Casey did. I am pretty sure Shania saved Aaron this week.
Siobhan Magnus - Siobhan picked "Any Man of Mine," a song brimming with attitude according to Shania, and hard as it may be to believe, Shania really had to work hard to coax the sassiness out of Siobhan. I think the past few weeks had taken a toll on this fragile free spirit; Siobhan just hadn't exhibitedher usual wacky pizzazz lately. But Shania's efforts paid off, because this week a beaming and reborn Siobhan spectacularly closed the show, strutting out onto the stage and then into the audience in her punk-rock cowboy boots. Siobhan looked like she was really having fun for the first time in weeks--Shania had obviously helped her get her groove back.
Simon griped that Si's signature scream at the end sounded like that of a woman giving birth, but hey, a Siobhan Magnus performance without a little shrieking is like a Shania Twain performance without a little midriff--and at least Siobhan nailed that off-the-musical-scales note.
"Guess who's back?" shouted Kara. Clearly Kara was happy to see the old, on-fire Siobhan, and so was I. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come for her.
So now it is prediction time. Before I might have guestimated that Aaron would go home this week, but this was his week to shine, so I think he will be safe. Casey and Siobhan were great, so I assume they'll be okay; Crystal was not at her best but she's so popular, so I doubt she'll be in danger. Lee, delivering one of his worst performances ever in the problematic first slot, may end up in the bottom for the first time, but ultimately I think he'll make it through. And so, that leaves poor Michael Lynche. I'd personally like to see Big Mike continue on, but he didn't really shine this week the way some of the others did. If he does indeed go, he'll be missed. He's still the one, as far as I'm concerned.
creadit for music blog at yahoo website...../ artickle by: Lyndsey Parker in Reality Rocks
pelakon2 heaven sword and dragon sabre


Wang Yan as Yang Bu Hui (Wu Ji friend)

Liu Jing as Zhou Zi Rou (Emei Leader) **uhhh i hate her...jahat o ini pompuan..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
adakah anda tahu?????
excely bkn lah lnggr yg btl2 langgar cm ni kes ms tetgh dok kt jln raye 2 tiba2 dgr bunyik siren ambulans ke...bomba ke...haaaaa bkn kh kite ke bg laluan kt depa kn??? so tetiba ambulans 2 kt belah blkg blkg kite n depan lak lampu trafic light ngah merah...pas2 kite kenalah jln kn sbb nti camne ambulan 2 nk lalu kn???...means kita otomatik langgar RED traficc light kn???...
ha u all tau x itu adelah 1 kesalahan...blh kena saman ngn polis ssb u all dh langgar lampu merahhhh...ha gitu...mula2 igt..."ishhh bia bonar." pas2 ado lah sorang pemanggil nih cite (hubby die ke sapo ntah...lupa lah)...pnh jd cm2...langgar lampu merah sbb nk bg ambulan lalu...tup2 berlanggar ngn satu lg keta yg dr laluan jln yg lampu ijau...(ha faham x nih?), dh langgar kena la g balai kn...pas2 u all tau pe jd??? polis 2 saman org yg langgar lampu isyarat 2...atas kesalahan lnggar lampu isyarat lah!!!!!...even nk bg ambulans lalu...slah tetap salah u all...haihhhhh...
pas2 ado sorang g pemanggil ckp (yg dejay ckp dia 2 tau lah bab2 ungand2 jln raya nih...xtau lah sapo org tu tuh)...mmg x langgar lamu merah even nk bg ambulans kite sbg org yg ado kt jln rayo tuh...atas sbb budi bhs digalakan bg laluan kpd ambulans ke bomba ke sbb dorang kn ado kecemasan.... tp kite sume hrs b'hati2 supaya x b;laku 'kecederaan' pd diri sndiri atas keprihatinan kite, pasnih u all kena hati2 lah sbb kalu b'laku apo2 'kemalangan' ms tuh u all ttp salah kalo lnggar undang2 jln rayo kayyyyyyyy....adios..
iklan japppppp...ring ring..

haaaaa....kalo nk tau nilah ghupa engagement ring Bella Swan n Edward Cullen dlm twilight lah mane lg, this ring now available at online site for, who wants this ring can get from website lah....can google sindiri web site mane....ceq xtau plak...ceq malaih haih nk google...sape2 p'cinta ring yg besau2 msti suka la ring pesen nih...stylo gituh....lalalalaaaaa
Monday, April 26, 2010
lirik lagu "Sofea Jane" : black mentor
Yang tak bisa disentuh
Namun hanya boleh dipandang
Ingin sekali ku sentuh
Ingin jua ku memiliki
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti
Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri
Andai kau tahu
Apa yang ku mahu
Mahukan dirimu ‘tuk mendekatiku
Dan aku tak bisa memaksa dirimu
Walau dalam tidur
Ku kan menantimu hingga akhir nanti
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti
Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri
Ulang chorus
p/s: Sofea Jane is my always fevy artis...hoho ms tgk jon heboh danga bay ahad lepas mmg tkejut gile bl tau tajuk lagu nih....hahaha...xsangka u all...akhirnye nama sofea jane diabadikan dlm agak pelik sbb dlm lagu nih langsung xde sebut p'kataan sofea jane tajuk lagu je guna words 2....xde lg kot lagu puja wanita tp dlm lagu xsebut nama yg dipuja aka nama tajuk lagu lah....but i like this song 2........bestttttttttt
Saturday, April 24, 2010
10 Questions to Ask on the interview
For many job seekers an interview can seem too much like an inquisition. That's usually because they're doing all the answering and none of the asking.
"Somewhere in the interview you have a chance to impress the employer on your own terms and see if the job is a good fit for you," says Florida-based career coach and executive recruiter Jonathan Milligan. "And you absolutely should take this opportunity. By asking the right questions you can determine if the job is right for you and also show you're engaged and interested in the job."
Employment experts identify five key question areas where you can gain insight, put yourself in a good light, and take some control in the interview.
Identify their pain.
"What is one of the biggest problems the company faces that someone with my background could help alleviate?"
"If I started in this job tomorrow, what would be my two most pressing priorities?"
Find out where the company is going.
"Where do you see this department/company in five years?"
"What are the long and short term goals of the company/department/work group?"
Determine whether you'd fit in.
"How would you describe your company's culture?
"What tangible and intangible qualities attracted you to the organization?"
Show you're really interested.
"What additional information can I provide about my qualifications?"
"What are the next steps in the selection process?"
Ask follow-ups.
"Can you clarify what you said about ...?"
"Can you give me some examples of ...?"
"By requesting clarification or examples, you show interviewers you care and that you're thinking deeply about the issues they brought up," says learning and development consultant Bill Denyer. He suggests taking notes in the interview, using keywords to jog your memory of what was discussed but not burying your head in your notebook.
What you don't want to ask are questions with obvious answers, according to Susan RoAne, author of "Face to Face: How to Reclaim the Personal Touch in a Digital World."
"You really need to do your homework," RoAne tells Yahoo! HotJobs. "Before the interview go to the company website and use search engines to get up to speed, and browse social networking sites like Yahoo! Groups to see who knows what about the company."
"And never, never ask an interviewer, 'How long is the vacation'? or, 'What does your company do?'" RoAne added.
Some experts suggest waiting for the inevitable "Do you have any questions for us?" at the interview, while others recommend looking for conversation openings to ask appropriate questions.
"It depends on the situation," Milligan says. "If the interviewer seems to be reading from a sheet of questions, don't interrupt. If it's a more casual conversation, you may have chances to turn the questions back on the interviewer."
"It's important to remember the job interview is a two-way street," RoAne said.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
7 Things You Should Say in an Interview
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
provided by INVESTOPEDIA

Today's job market is as competitive as ever. You need to be able to effectively communicate you skill set so that you will give yourself the best competitive advantage to secure employment. During the interview process, you want to highlight as many of your strengths as possible. An easy way to do this is by slipping a few simple phrases into your next job interview. Here are seven things you should say in an interview.
1. I am very familiar with what your company does.
Letting a prospective employer know that you are familiar with what a company does shows that you have a legitimate interest in the business and are not just wasting their time. Do your homework before arriving for an interview. Check out the company website for information about products and services. Search for the latest transactions and pertinent business news.
Be sure to let the interviewer know that you are familiar with the newest company acquisition or the latest product that was just developed. Explain how your skills and experience are a perfect fit for the employer.
2. I am flexible.
Work environments are always changing. Prospective employers are looking for candidates that are open to change and can adapt at a moment's notice. In today's fast paced business world, employees must have the ability to multi-task.
Stating that you are adaptable lets an employer know that you are willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. This may mean working additional hours or taking on additional job duties in a crunch. Show your potential employer that you are equipped to deal with any crisis situation that may arise.
3. I am energetic and have a positive attitude.
Employers are looking for candidates with optimism and a "can-do" attitude. Attitudes are contagious and have a direct affect on company morale. Let the optimist in you shine during the interview process.
Be sure to always speak positively about past employers. Negative comments and sarcastic statements about past employers and co-workers will make you look petty. If you bad mouth your past company, employers are liable to believe that you will do the same thing to them.
4. I have a great deal of experience.
This is your chance to shine. Highlight any previous job duties that relate directly to your new job. If it is a management position, state every time that you were responsible for the supervision, training and development of other employees. Discuss your motivational techniques and specific examples of how you increased productivity. Feel free to list any training classes or seminars that you have attended.
5. I am a team player.
Do you remember when you were young and your teacher wanted to know if you could work well with others? Well the job market is no different! Companies are looking for employees that are cooperative and get along well with other employees. Mentioning that you are a team player lets your prospective employer know that you can flourish in group situations. Employers are looking for workers that can be productive with limited supervision and have the ability to work well with others.
6. I am seeking to become an expert in my field.
Employers love applicants that are increasing their knowledge base to make themselves the best employees possible. Stating that you are aiming to become an expert causes employers to view you as an asset and not a liability. You are a resource that other employees can learn from.
This is also a subtle way of illustrating that you have an attitude of excellence. You are aiming to be the best at what you do! This will let employers know that you are not just a fly-by-night employee, but in it for the long run.
7. I am highly motivated.
A motivated employee is a productive employee. Talk about how your high level of motivation has led you to accomplish many things. If you are a meticulous worker, discuss your organizational skills and attention to detail. Companies are always looking for dependable employees that they can count upon.
The Bottom Line
Remember that a job interview is an opportunity to sell yourself to a prospective employer. Be sure to slip in the right phrases to give you the best chance possible of securing that cushy corner office on the ninth floor.
p/s: sesape yg nk cr keje or nk g interview 2 blhlh d jadikn panduan....xbyk cikit pon jd la kn...i also need a new job....tgh mcarik nih....majikan2 luar sana amik le sy nih keje....ceeeeeee....mana mau cr keje nih??? lah kite b'usaha menuju ms depan yg lbh baik....(poyo jerk rs)...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
America idol top 7 + BOTTOM 3

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
bahaya gula...
Research has already shown that regular consumption of foods high in added sugars is associated with weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cavities, but this is the first study of its kind to link sugar intake to cholesterol levels in humans. And that's bad news for Americans, who now consume about 16% of their daily total calories as added sugar. Soda is the number one source of added sugar, contributing about a third of all added sugar in the American diet.
1. Eliminate soda and sugary drinks (including sports drinks, sweetened waters, juice drinks, and caloric cocktails). Choose plain water or naturally flavored seltzer instead.
2. Use sugar (and other sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, agave, and molasses) sparingly. Add no more than 1 to 2 teaspoons in coffee, tea, or oatmeal.
3. Choose packaged foods with minimal added sugar. For example, cereals should have no more than 8 grams of sugar per serving.
4. Be selective with sweet splurges. Either allow yourself a daily sweet treat around 150 calories, or indulge in a more decadent dessert no more than once or twice a week. My favorite sweet treats are foods that balance sugar with something healthy, such as a scoop of ice cream or pudding-both high in calcium; 1 oz dark chocolate-has tons of antioxidants; or a dollop of whipped cream with berries-loaded with fiber and vitamin C
america idol top 7 ..."idol give back"
Inspirational Night (a theme tied to this week's "Idol Gives Back" charity special)...and while I didn't necessarily expect them to, I still found some of their perplexing song choices very uninspired.
While there were some very solid performances on Tuesday, the only one that was truly inspired or inspiring was by the normally reserved Crystal Bowersox, who finally experienced a genuine emotional breakthrough onstage. Crystal's poignant performance left her, and everyone in the audience, in tears. In a good way.
Other performances were equally emotional...that is, if frustration can be considered an emotion. Many of the contestants, who were mentored by the well-meaning but ultimately boring Alicia Keys, frustratingly failed to inspire me or judges, and they quite possibly failed to inspire viewers to vote, too. Anyway, here's how everyone did:
Casey James - Casey decided to perform Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop," apparently because its "thinking about tomorrow" line had some vague connotation of hope for him, or maybe because it was Bill Clinton's campaign song and Casey is a Democrat or something. Anyway, there was nothing really wrong with this performance. Casey cleaned up nice in a suit and ponytail that gave him a sort of "Miami Vice" vibe, wailed on guitar, and flashed his famous Pepsodent-commercial smile for the ladies. All very fine and good. But I'd seen all this before from Casey, many times--and after he delivered what was my favorite live performance of the entire season, "Jealous Guy," just two weeks ago, a retread like this just didn't impress me anymore. All the judges seem to agree with me in this regard.
Randy Jackson = the performance was "good, not great," and said he wanted something "a little more special" from Casey.
Ellen DeGeneres = in an uncharacteristic instance of insight and toughness, barked at him, "You have to be great, not just consistently good. I don't think anyone's going to be talking about that tomorrow."
Kara DioGuardi = usually Casey's biggest supporter on the panel, also lamented that Casey had failed to live up to the promise of "Jealous Guy."
Simon Cowell = called it a "lazy song choice" delivered with "zero emotion." Alicia Keys's advice to Casey should've been to perform another song, period. This tune did nothing for him. If Casey keeps regressing like this, he's going to have to resort to taking off his shirt again to hold people's attention.
Lee Dewyze - Lee's song choice, Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer," also seemed like an odd one, even though he explained it was a tune that had personally inspired him as a child to pick up a guitar. But--and I say this as a person who has always found this former paint salesman to be as interesting as watching paint dry--Lee actually did a good job with this song tonight. It was my favorite Lee performance of the season, and I really hope this is one of the songs he ends up doing on the Idols Live Tour. All the judges were impressed.
Randy = You are a great artist ready to make great music, and I think you're going to have a big career!" (Possibly true, but Randy's over-reaching quote about Season 9 "really being about artists" wasn't quite that believable. Come on, now.)
Ellen = declared this Lee's best effort to date, full of "soul and depth."
Kara = this was Lee's big "moment."
Simon = this performance "absolutely brilliant," adding, "You made that song sound like it was written a week ago."
Until now I've felt the judges have always overhyped Lee, but this week, I felt their praise was mostly justified. This was one of the better performances of the night.
Tim Urban - Tim sang "Better Days," an inspirational standard by that venerable praise and worship band, the Goo Goo Dolls. Whatever. Honestly, Tim has had better days. But he's also had much, much worse: As Simon pointed out, it was only a few weeks ago that he was knee-sliding all over the place to "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and acting a little, well, crazy. Tim's vocals on this song were not the best of the bunch, but really, look at Owl City or any emo singer out there, and none of them sing any better than Tim. It's not always about having a big voice, you know. I thought Tim did an admirable job with this. The judges, however, were underwhelmed.
Randy called it "OK karaoke,"
Kara conceded that Tim had finally "found his lane" but said he still didn't knock it out of the park,
Simon dubbed this performance "a little bit of a letdown."
Ellen, who's favored food analogies this season, likened Tim to a Soup of the Day: "Sometimes I like the soup, sometimes not." This particular evening, apparently Ellen wasn't liking the soup. But that's all right. I suspect Tim's many fans are still drinking the soup, or the Tim Kool-Aid, so to speak, and he'll be safe for another week at least.
Aaron Kelly - This week Aaron Kelly took on R. Kelly, and granted, "I Believe I Can Fly," with its spiritual overtones, probably adhered best to the whole "inspirational" theme of the night. But seriously, this has to be the hokiest song of all time. (Yes, even hokier than "Trapped in the Closet.") Alicia Keys warned Aaron that this chest-beating ballad could easily veer into overkill territory, yet she also claimed she wanted him to "almost be crying by end of song"--advice more conflicting than any of the judges' confusing critiques this season. Well, I was kind of crying by the end of this, but probably not for the reason Alicia and Aaron intended. Sure, Aaron sang it well, and I will give him credit for really trying. But it was all just so corny. All of the judges praised Aaron for taking on such an ambitious song (which apparently he's been practicing since age 5), and all of them thought he handled it well technically
Randy said he demonstrated "pure vocal talent").
Kara thought Aaron's performance "didn't quite take off"
Simon worded it best when he said, "In the real world, if I heard that on the radio I would have turned it off within 10 seconds." Wow, 10 whole seconds? Really? Simon's a more patient man than I thought.
Siobhan Magnus - Blessed with the biggest voice in the competition, Siobhan naturally took on "When You Believe," a song originally recorded by Whitney Houston AND Mariah Carey. Only Siobhan could've possibly handled this dual-diva vocal workout, what Alicia called "no easy feat" and what Randy declared "the toughest song of the night." Siobhan certainly looked like a true diva, bedecked with feathers and perhaps Mimi-inspired butterflies, and she easily hit what Alicia dubbed the "money spot," aka the big off-the-musical-scales note at the end. But it was a somewhat robotic performance--surprising, coming from arguably the most interesting and unique contestant on the show.
"It was just OK for me, babe," Randy grunted condescendingly.
Simon thought it was an ill-advised song choice with an "all-over-the-place" delivery and an (overused adjective alert!) "old-fashioned" arrangement, and he complained that the "leaves" on Siobhan's outfit distracted him. (Those were butterflies, Simon. Not leaves. And who doesn't like butterflies?)
Kara thought Siobhan sang the song well, but that the performance was too theatrical, like something out of a musical. "I'd want to hang out with you more than buy your record, because I still don't know who you are," Kara sighed. I kind of agreed with Kara--it's down to the top seven, and I still have no idea what kind of album Siobhan would make after "Idol"--but I also agreed with
Ellen, who praised Siobhan's vocal acrobatics with, "That's just more confirmation why you're here!" I didn't think Siobhan was at her best on "When You Believe," but I still believe in Siobhan.
Michael Lynche - Big Mike sang the "Spider-Man" movie theme "Hero," a song originally performed by members of Nickelback, Saliva, Theory of a Deadman, and Our Lady Peace. I hate all those bands with a fierceness usually reserved for my hatred of baby-seal-clubbers, so it's amazing to me that when the song was performed by just Michael, I sort of liked it. I thought he lent a much-needed soulful vibe to the whole production.
Randy admitted he'd been worried about the song choice initially, but raved to Michael, "You held your own with it."
Ellen also liked the performance, but Kara and Simon were not too inspired.
Kara griped that Mike didn't have the right tone for this post-grunge rocker, and
Simon sighed, "That was about Spider-Man, wasn't it? It felt a little bit artificial to me." Funny how Simon didn't complain about Siobhan's song being about "The Prince of Egypt."
Crystal Bowersox - Finally, something to get inspired by! Crystal, one of Alicia's favorite "very, very special" contestants this season, took a risk by ditching her guitar and starting off her song a cappella, but Alicia assured everyone, "I know that people are going to love this performance." And Alicia was right. Crooning the Impressions' very theme-appropriate "People Get Ready" (a gospel-inflected, Curtis Mayfield-penned protest song covered by everyone from Rod Stewart and Jeff Beck to U2, Bob Marley, the Doors, and even Alicia Keys herself), while lovingly cradling her personal antique mic stand from back home, she was "never more beautiful," according to Ellen. And she sounded beautiful as well. And at the end of the song, when she spotted her dad in the audience (attending a live taping for the first time this season), Crystal stunningly broke down in sobs. Before this, Crystal had always seemed so aloof, with a real wall up between herself and the audience, so this was a real game-changer.
"Now that was inspirational," declared Simon, smiling for the first time this evening. "I'm happy to see you emotional, because you'd closed down." And
Kara raved, "You know why they call you 'Mamasox'? Because you just schooled all those other contestants!" Yes, this was a mother of a performance.
So now it is prediction time. I think Tim is definitely at risk and will be in the bottom three, since the judges praised him over the past two weeks yet failed to do so tonight. But I think he has enough of a fanbase to survive. Rounding out the bottom three, I predict, will be Aaron , who's had brushes with elimination on the past two Wednesdays, and possibly Siobhan, who's surprisingly struggled as of late and sadly seems to be losing momentum. But ultimately, I think Aaron will be the one to go. He may believe he can fly, but I don't believe he can win this thing.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber

k, review dr web site nih....yg d copy paste ....
Reviewed by: XWingSuki Rating:
I did not hesitate to purchase this drama on its release formerly due to its affordable price and also as it is another of Zhang Ji Zhong’s productions. I enjoyed watching his previous productions ROCH and TLBB. However, I was initially quite disappointed with the casting, although it grew on me as I continued to watch the series.
The series follows true to the newly modified version of Jin Yong’s HSDS. However, there are a number of significant differences as it starts with Zhang Sanfeng’s story without Guo Xiang’s presence, which explains to watchers the history of the “Jiuyang Zhenjing”, which the hero of the story, Zhang Wuji, eventually discovered and learned. Also, instead of Yin Susu, Zhang Wuji’s mother attacking Yu Daiyan for the Dragon Sabre in the beginning, it was Yin Yewang, Susu’s brother who was after the Saber. A distinct difference which proved Jin Yong’s change in the storyline was that instead of the secret of the Sabre and Sword being written in ink on loose cloth (as in Alec Su’s HSDS in 2003), it was carved on loose metal sheets.
The story
Zhang Wuji was mothered by Yin Susu, who was the daughter of the leader of the unorthodox sect Heavenly Eagle and fathered by the fifth hero of Wudang, Zhang Cuishan. Following a number of events lead to by the crippling of Yu Daiyan, the third hero of Wudang. Yin Susu’s brother injured Yu and Susu decided to hire a bodyguard service to send him back to Wudang, but near Wudang, a group of assassins in Wudang disguise crippled Yu in an attempt to obtain the location of the sabre. Yu’s crippling led to Zhang’s journey in search of revenge for Yu, and eventually he got to know Yin, but not long after that they were kidnapped by Golden Mane Lion King (Xie Sun), who wanted the sabre for revenge against his martial teacher, who is the main male villain in this story.
Eventually the three were washed onto an island during a shipwreck; and there Zhang married Yin and had a child, and later on the couple made amends with Xie as Yin had blinded him when he went berserk and tried to kill Zhang earlier on. Xie also became Zhang’s god brother and adopted Wuji as his godson; hence he named him Wuji after his toddler son, killed by his teacher Cheng Kun in an attempt to mess the entire Wulin world.
The rest of story tells about how Wuji materializes as a teenager after his parents’ suicide caused by his mother’s past misdeeds, the feud between the six orthodox sects and the Ming sect; Heavenly Eagle sect being a small extension of it only, whereby the six sects also wanted to obtain the location of the Dragon Saber and Xie, and also the truth behind the crippling of Yu; all of which were not resolved even with Zhang and Yin’s deaths.
Wuji was not expected to survive as a child as he had been poisoned and was then sent to the Ming sect’s miracle healer (shen yi), who refused to treat him as he wasn’t from the Ming sect at that time. As a child, he met Zhou Zhiruo, a boatman’s daughter who was sent by Zhang Sanfeng to Emei sect, the daughter of Yang Xiao of Ming’s sect, Yang Buhui and Golden Flower Grandma’s disciple, his cousin Yin Li aka Zhu Er (Spider).
Wuji eventually managed to purge the poison in his body by the help of Jiuyang Zhenjing and later fate had it that he became head of the Ming sect. With his aid he was able to resolve the feud of the Ming sect and the other six main sects, at the same time being the top of the Wulin world with his diverse knowledge of martial arts, unsurpassable. However, he also won the love of four girls: Mongolian princess Zhao Min, Emei leader Zhou Zhiruo, Golden Flower Grandma’s daughter Xiaozhao and his cousin Yin Li. Who is his true destiny?
Deng Chao as Zhang Wuji: In comparison to Alec Su, he pales in comparison, but if this portrayal is right to the novel, Zhang Wuji is supposed to be a confused and yet honest young leader. Deng Chao has the “blur” look pasted often on his face and one look tells the audience he is H-O-N-E-S-T. The only disadvantage is that with his plain looks, I doubt he would obtain the love of four women. I guess Deng looks better in modern drama. (3/5)
Ady An as Zhao Min: She looks the part, talks the part, and acts well too. No further discussion. I find her portrayal similar to Alyssa Chia’s portrayal, as both have big eyes and look very intelligent, both in speech and their body language. However, I liked Ady’s costumes better than Alyssa’s. (5/5)
Liu Jing as Zhou Zhiruo: Her makeup is very thick, and she doesn’t appear to look the right age. Zhou is much younger than Wuji and Zhao Min, but she looks older than them. She looks vicious all right, but she doesn’t have the kind and compassionate look that Zhou should have had in the beginning. Gao Yuanyuan is definitely better. (2/5)
Others He Zhuo Yan as Xiaozhao: She definitely looks the part, as she has the pure, naïve and innocent look that Xiaozhao should have. Lu Chen as Yang Buhui: She did well as the spoilt daughter of Yang Xiao who materializes into a mature lady when she fell in love with Yin Liting, who was betrothed to her mother. She is quite pretty and willful-looking.
Zhang Meng as Zhu Er: Her Zhu Er was completely different from Chen Zi Han’s. Chen Zi Han’s was purely pity, but Zhang Meng’s portrayal was a very cute Zhu Er, in addition to her pity. Instead of being accused of killing Zhu Jiuzhen as in HSDS 2003, she personally went to approach Zhu Jiuzhen to avenge Zeng Aniu.
Yang Xiao: According to the novel, Yang Xiao was a very handsome man whom stole Ji Xiaofu’s heart. None of the recent HSDS dramas I have seen have managed to accomplish this.
-What was with young Wuji and Zhu Jiuzhen’s relationship if their age gap was so wide? Why did she hate him so much when he was simply a kid?
-Why didn’t Wuji and Zhao Min leave for Ice-Fire Mountain in the end, and why did Zhou Zhiruo somewhat become their ‘best friend’ and keep teasing them by saying ‘you still owe me one promise’? What was the promise actually? Hence, a weird ending.
-Why didn’t Zhu Er’s father look her up in the end, like in HSDS 2003? Did she really go crazy? Why did everyone just leave her there? -What exactly happened during Wuji’s kidnap?
Overall Comments
I rate this series a ‘not-bad’ especially when it’s by Zhang Ji Zhong, however the ending really confuses everyone “huh? It just ends like this?” It’s an open ending and it doesn’t even tell us what happened to the Ming sect after Wuji resigned his post or whether he married Zhao Min. I really enjoyed the fighting scenes, however the CG effects at Ice-Fire Mountain made it really obvious it was all computerized. Also, the scenes between Zhou Zhiruo and Zhang Wuji when he was going to marry her but realized at that time he really loved Zhao Min, were really draggy. Never expected Zhou Zhiruo to be so pushy with Wuji, and how she continued to try to get his concern by acting pitiful and weak: even Cheng Kun could see through it! The actress looked so annoying when she played that part. I thought Zhou Zhiruo was supposed to be strong, but she even acted so childishly! However, I like how many confusing parts were explained with the help of Yellow-Robe girl (portrayed flawlessly by Liu Shi Shi). This drama is very expressive. However, I felt that there were too much talking in the first part of the series, until Wuji grew up.